This neighborhood is bad

I bought an apartment building in Jacksonville, FL when I was in my twenties.

  • I lived in one of the units and rented the rest out.

Then I moved out and updated the space to be a duplex. I have synced and rented it out without a hitch. Well the area around there was seriously gone downhill. Everything is getting worse. Crime, homeless people, pollution, and closed businesses are starting to be more common. My property value is getting lower and lower. I needed to get out ASAP. Listing with a real estate agent was a timely process. Then it was months before anyone even looked at the space. It was constantly haggling back and forth. There was a ton of interest but no real money put down. The area was only getting worse. I realized that I needed to move the property before it became totally rundown. I started looking at cash for rental property offers. I found a cash for duplex company that is based in Jacksonville, Florida. They take all sorts of properties like rentals, homes, apartment complexes, etc. They do only cash offers. The beauty of cash is that you don’t have all the nitty gritty paperwork and hidden costs. No repairs, no work, and no stress. It was a price, a signature, and then it was over. I was really glad to sell my building before the area became super seedy. Time was of the essence in my location and I am glad that I prioritize a quick sale.


cash for inherited properties